Capital Region Medical Center | Provider Directory 2020
Capital Region Physicians 10 Capital Region Physicians-Center of Orthopedic Excellence (573) 636-5285 | 3308 West Edgewood, Suite A, Jefferson City, MO Orthopaedics Timothy Galbraith, DO General/Sports Medicine Greggory Kuhlmann, DO Non-operative Orthopedics/ Sports Medicine Capital Region Physicians-OMT & Medical Acupuncture (573) 632-5544 | 3308 West Edgewood, Suite B, Jefferson City, MO Osteopathic Manipulation & Medical Acupuncture Todd McCluskey, DO ENT and Allergy Clinic (573) 632-4970 | 1125 Madison St., Jefferson City, MO Otolaryngology (ENT) & Allergy Gregory Campbell, MD Christine Franzese, MD William Kinney, MD Sarah Winter, APRN
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